The Castle Foundation has a long history of supporting educational initiatives that lead to better teaching, better facilities, and better outcomes for children. With a belief that high-quality early education is fundamental for giving children and families the best chance for equal educational opportunity, the Foundation focuses on fostering substantial academic results and healthier lifestyles through excellent preschool education.
The Augmenting Quality in Hawaii’s Independent Preschools RFP by the Castle Foundation seeks to improve the quality of preschool education in Hawaii. To this end, the Foundation encourages applications that aim to enhance quality in line with the ten NAEYC accreditation standards. These standards cover a comprehensive scope of educational and operational elements including relationships, curriculum, teaching, child progress assessment, health, staff competencies, family and community relationships, physical environment, and leadership and management. The Foundation offers eight grants of up to $25,000 each to support improvements in any of these quality indicators, thereby promoting better learning outcomes and healthier, more successful futures for children.
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