Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation: Augmenting Quality in Hawaii’s Independent Preschools RFP

The Castle Foundation has a long history of supporting educational initiatives that lead to better teaching, better facilities, and better outcomes for children. With a belief that high-quality early education is fundamental for giving children and families the best chance for equal educational opportunity, the Foundation focuses on fostering substantial academic results and healthier lifestyles through excellent preschool education.

Type of Support


The Augmenting Quality in Hawaii’s Independent Preschools RFP by the Castle Foundation seeks to improve the quality of preschool education in Hawaii. To this end, the Foundation encourages applications that aim to enhance quality in line with the ten NAEYC accreditation standards. These standards cover a comprehensive scope of educational and operational elements including relationships, curriculum, teaching, child progress assessment, health, staff competencies, family and community relationships, physical environment, and leadership and management. The Foundation offers eight grants of up to $25,000 each to support improvements in any of these quality indicators, thereby promoting better learning outcomes and healthier, more successful futures for children.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations classified by the IRS as 501(c)(3) tax-exempt agencies
Not private foundations
  • Projects that include a public sector partner are encouraged
  • Fiscal agent must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
  • Primarily awarded to organizations located within the state of Hawaii
  • For programs and projects benefiting the people of Hawaii
  • Rarely funds in the U.S. outside Hawaii; mainland U.S. applications must be invited by the Trustees
  • Welcomes co-funded projects with partner foundations, including national and regional funders, retaining decision-making and fiscal responsibility
  • Must be in response to a documented community need, not solely an organizational need
  • Grants awarded for innovative programs, demonstration projects, and start-up funding
  • Grants made directly to applicant organizations serving the public
  • An organization is generally not awarded more than one grant in any calendar year


Government entities (public and charter schools)
Applications from outside the U.S.
Public/private high schools, middle schools, elementary schools
Charter schools (except for pre-school teacher education)
Regular operating costs (salaries, rents, maintenance)
Projects needing more than 30-40% of their total cost funded
Programs not open to all racial and ethnic groups
Projects lacking parent/community involvement
Publication and media projects
Organizations outside Hawai'i not serving Hawai'i's needs
Teacher/student scholarships for travel or conference attendance
Video projects
Regular annual fund drives, sponsorships, or special events
Capital campaigns not related to early education
Political events, campaigns, and sponsorships
Projects funded via "braided funding"
Third-party regranting organizations
Support beyond 3 years without a 1-year break.
up to 25k


Review Criteria

The Samuel N. & Mary Castle Foundation primarily concentrates on the early education of children aged 0-5, with a particular emphasis on enhancing access for low-income families to high-standard early learning programs. Due to the typically high expenses associated with building new preschool facilities, the Foundation favors supporting established schools, promoting the resourceful utilization of current spaces and buildings. A special focus is placed on the professional development of pre-K educators. Moreover, the Foundation's trustees hold a strong preference for preschool applicants that have achieved accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

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