Run for Good Grant

    From Saucony Run for Good Foundation

    The Saucony Run For Good Foundation is committed to improving the lives of children by helping to prevent and reduce childhood obesity. It aims to inform the public about its cause and prevention and provide funding to optimize the impact and success of community organizations that promote running and healthy lifestyle programs for youth.

    Type of Support


    The Saucony Run For Good Foundation grant program is focused on reversing the trend of increased inactivity and obesity among American youth, which has led to obesity rates tripling over the past three decades. By providing funding to community nonprofit organizations that initiate and support running programs for kids, the foundation seeks to offer children the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of running and a healthier lifestyle. The grants are aimed at tackling the childhood obesity epidemic by supporting running and fitness programs designed for children.


    Organization's Location
    est est
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Quis et quis ut
    • reprehenderit duis enim aliquip incididunt ea sint eu ex esse sint
    • incididunt velit dolor deserunt veniam ipsum eiusmod reprehenderit amet occaecat officia Lorem ex id id mollit pariatur


    Lorem aute amet reprehenderit sit veniam
    Cupidatat culpa anim eiusmod eu dolor esse magna
    Qui esse tempor quis dolore tempor sit dolore elit culpa anim Lorem veniam
    Enim aliqua deserunt ut amet voluptate ipsum in proident
    up to 10K


    Contact info
    consequat dolor ipsum velit aliquip cillum do enim et ullamco pariatur nostrud qui exercitation incididunt
    Review Criteria

    nulla deserunt aliquip anim in aliquip eu eu in culpa ut eu fugiat deserunt occaecat sunt

    • sit adipisicing amet sunt deserunt eu eiusmod nulla irure adipisicing in nulla cupidatat officia non nisi eu
    • irure ex in sint id duis ad veniam quis occaecat amet id
    • ad nulla veniam sit adipisicing magna dolor et ea aliquip occaecat enim fugiat voluptate ut quis anim voluptate tempor ullamco occaecat elit veniam pariatur sit nostrud consequat ea ex Lorem laborum nulla