Tommy Wells Foundation Grant

The Tommy Wells Foundation (TWF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization focused on "paying forward" the legacy of Tommy by raising money to support youth needing financial assistance to participate in hockey or music programs, reflecting Tommy's passion for these activities.

Type of Support


The Tommy Wells Foundation grants aim to provide financial assistance to youths aged 4 to 18 years old who wish to experience the joy of learning and playing hockey or music but require financial support to do so. Grant recipients are expected to demonstrate how the funds benefited the intended youths within 12 months of receiving the support.


Organization's Location
anim occaecat
Program Location
voluptate et cillum reprehenderit qui id labore aute minim dolore
Organization Type
up to 500


Review Criteria

nostrud amet est laboris ex in fugiat tempor consequat laboris occaecat sunt laboris proident consectetur