Schools: Artist Residency Grants

From Delaware Division of the Arts

The Delaware Division of the Arts is a state agency committed to supporting the arts and cultivating creativity to enhance the quality of life in Delaware.

Type of Support


The Artist Residency Grants program focuses on:

  1. Engaging students in the creative process with professional artists.
  2. Providing arts education and skills to teachers and arts specialists.
  3. Creating teaching opportunities for artists. The grants support residencies for visual, literary, performing, or media artists in schools. Activities should focus on classroom learning or teacher workshops, align with Delaware's Visual and Performing Arts Standards, and possibly include a public aspect. Proposals are evaluated based on the artist's qualifications, integration into current programming, connection to arts standards, clearly defined goals with measurable outcomes, teacher involvement, and inclusion of a public component where feasible.


Organization's Location
anim reprehenderit
Program Location
Organization Type
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Visit Apply for more information.

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