The Seeley Lake Community Foundation aims to serve as a vital community resource and catalyst for innovative approaches to enhance the quality of life in Seeley Lake, Montana. It supports local groups in funding key community projects.
The grant program focuses on several key areas, including:
Education: Enhancing student achievements, promoting creativity and experiential learning, boosting literacy, and lifelong learning through collaboration with various entities.
Arts & Culture: Broadening engagement in local arts, reflecting community's diversity and history through art, providing youth arts experiences, and expanding arts venues.
Community Development: Strengthening the economy, unifying the community for a better quality of life, promoting job creation, supporting affordable housing, encouraging volunteerism, and fostering town center development.
Natural Resources & Conservation: Encouraging stewardship of local resources, protecting ecological uniqueness, offering environmental education, promoting open spaces and recreation, and ensuring resource sustainability.
Basic Human Needs: Assisting disadvantaged groups with essential needs, addressing family violence, expanding opportunities for those with disabilities, supporting recovery services, and collaborating for reliable basic services.
The foundation is open to funding special projects, ongoing programs, and capital projects with a preference for proposals with broad community impact, ability to leverage additional funds, and fostering community partnerships.
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