SMSC Donations & Grants

From Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community

The mission of the SMSC is centered around honoring the Dakota tradition of "wookiye" (helpfulness), which involves a strong tradition of helping others. They have become the largest philanthropic benefactor for Indian Country nationally and one of the largest charitable givers in Minnesota through their substantial contributions to various causes, organizations, and tribes across the region, state, and country. This includes more than $325 million donated to organizations and causes, $500 million in economic development loans to other tribes, and significant support for regional governments and infrastructure.

Type of Support


The grant program aligned with "The Dakota Value of Sharing" aims to uphold the Dakota tradition of helpfulness by providing substantial financial support to causes, organizations, and tribes not just within their regional community but across the nation. This program is characterized by its comprehensive approach to philanthropy, which includes direct donations, economic development loans to other tribes, and investments in regional governments and infrastructure. Through these efforts, the grant program seeks to foster economic development, support essential services, and promote the general welfare of the community both locally and in Indian Country at large.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type


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