Educating While Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ Grant

Siebert Lutheran Foundation is an independent, private foundation established by the late Albert F. Siebert to advance the Lutheran church and its ministries.

Type of Support


Educating While Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ funds high-performing Lutheran-affiliated schools and other education programs that provide children and youth in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities a path to Christ-centered academic success, empowerment, and hope for themselves and future generations.

An organization may have only one Siebert Lutheran Foundation grant working each year. However, in special circumstances, permission is given to submit a proposal for a new project or program. If you believe your organization's unique circumstances may warrant an additional grant, please contact Foundation staff to discuss the possibility.


Organization's Location
voluptate exercitation
Program Location
ea incididunt deserunt sunt laboris minim ut ea anim
Organization Type
Enim cillum irure ut aliqua


Elit ullamco
Ut non culpa
Magna et ullamco
not specified


Step 1: in mollit
Step 2: consequat culpa qui (id minim)
Required Attachments
et laboris aute
in tempor
nisi nisi
non deserunt fugiat
Lorem enim
ex sunt
Contact info
(555) 555-5555