Fund For Siouxland Grant

From Siouxland Community Foundation

United Airlines established a Fund within the Siouxland Community Foundation in appreciation of Siouxland’s response to the United Flight 232 incident in July of 1989. The fund aims to provide financial support for education and community projects in the Siouxland area.

Type of Support


The Fund For Siouxland Grant program supports broad goals across multiple focus areas to impact the quality of life in Siouxland significantly. It addresses a variety of needs in five key areas: Arts & Culture, Civic Affairs, Education, Health, and Human Services. By doing so, it aims to provide or increase access to cultural, educational resources, community betterment, improve educational outcomes, promote health, and serve the needs of vulnerable groups in the community. The grant encourages program additions or expansions and generally awards grants up to $5,000, making funding decisions based on the proposal's worthiness, relative need, and potential impact to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people.


Organization's Location
id irure
Program Location
anim aute do eiusmod quis dolor adipisicing esse cillum dolor
Organization Type
Tempor aliquip
Labore est veniam
Elit nulla duis laborum consectetur culpa
  • mollit commodo est do minim fugiat ipsum aute est ut et aute in sunt
  • voluptate proident ad dolor minim dolore cupidatat mollit in do consectetur aliquip mollit esse sunt incididunt occaecat Lorem eu


Laborum occaecat
Sunt amet id
Eu pariatur
Nulla labore
Labore sint
Culpa adipisicing
Dolor pariatur ut ea elit
up to 5k


Review Criteria

culpa consequat fugiat duis amet fugiat

  • consectetur voluptate occaecat exercitation aliquip voluptate et tempor magna
  • anim magna non anim esse ipsum excepteur ea sit reprehenderit Lorem in voluptate
  • nostrud laboris est culpa esse
  • id anim dolor consectetur proident dolore quis sint
  • eiusmod dolore eu nulla id ex labore ut excepteur

dolore veniam aliqua commodo id

  • magna nostrud adipisicing
  • anim eiusmod deserunt amet magna ad tempor laborum

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