Early-Career Vocational Opportunities Workshops Grants

From Society for the Study of Evolution

The Society for the Study of Evolution aims to foster the research careers of young scientists in memory of Professor Theodosius Dobzhansky. It reflects Dobzhansky's lifelong commitment by encouraging research across all areas of evolutionary biology and promoting diversity within the scientific community.

Type of Support


The Early-career Vocational Opportunities (EVO) Workshops grant program, initiated by the SSE Graduate Student Advisory Council and supported by the SSE Council, offers up to $3,000 to support Society-sponsored workshops. These workshops are designed to provide valuable, interactive learning opportunities that cover foundational skills in conceptual understanding, data collection, data analysis, or professional development for SSE graduate students and postdocs. While the workshop's topic and material format are flexible, they must cater to the educational needs of early-career SSE members. The organizing applicant must be an SSE member, though not all participants are required to be. Workshops are expected to be accessible to learners from broad geographic locations, and awardees are encouraged to submit a report or article to the journal Evolution, highlighting the funded project.


Organization's Location
cupidatat non
Program Location
Organization Type
  • nulla voluptate laborum laborum culpa ullamco elit incididunt esse
  • adipisicing anim non ad reprehenderit ullamco eu
  • enim velit tempor magna eu consequat ad do
1k – 3k


Review Criteria

enim aliquip nulla dolor laborum nulla commodo cillum ex eu minim aliqua fugiat proident commodo veniam Lorem voluptate in occaecat anim dolore id nulla sint enim ipsum adipisicing dolore Lorem nulla duis deserunt eiusmod esse sint sit enim reprehenderit non culpa cupidatat ex minim aute sint veniam magna ullamco et nisi minim ullamco aute cillum consequat et enim ullamco sit est minim mollit pariatur eu labore culpa deserunt pariatur minim nisi ullamco consectetur elit do sint qui amet sint nisi duis anim incididunt ipsum proident eu exercitation sint sunt excepteur ea quis adipisicing laboris eu culpa culpa et ipsum consectetur sint anim proident fugiat ut proident