South Arts: Jazz Road Tours Grants

From South Arts, Inc.

South Arts strengthens the South through advancing excellence in the arts, connecting the arts to key state and national policies and nurturing a vibrant quality of life.

Type of Support


Jazz Road Tours grant program aims to help emerging and mid-career jazz artists take their music to new places, specifically targeting communities traditionally underserved by jazz. Offering up to $15,000, these grants support small tours of three to six sites across the country, including rural areas. The program encourages tours that provide continuity for the artists, allowing them to solidify their music and establish a band identity. A significant component is prioritizing performances in areas lacking live jazz opportunities and proposals that demonstrate the tour's beneficial impact on the artist's career. Applications are competitive, with considerations for tours that include engagements in rural or underserved communities.


Organization's Location
USA, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, US Minor Outlying Islands, British Virgin Islands
Program Location
USA, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Virgin Islands
Organization Type
Individual artists
Artist-led nonprofit organizations
Artist-led corporations
  • Must be a professional jazz artist, solo or with a jazz ensemble of 2-10 musicians
  • Age 18 or over and not a full-time student
  • Based in the U.S. or its territories and is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Non-residents may participate in the tour but cannot be paid with Jazz Road Tours funds
  • Tour routing spans three to six sites on contiguous dates, covering at least 250 miles or reaching one site 250 miles from home base
  • Tours must occur within the designated grant cycle dates, in the U.S. or its territories, and may cross state lines or travel to multiple regions
  • Engagements must be for public performances and can require admissions, suggest door amounts, or be free
  • At least three separate venues must be engaged for multiple nights
  • Each venue must demonstrate commitment to engagement via a signed Offer Letter
  • All presenters must promote significantly and/or create opportunities to attract new audiences
5k – 15k


Visit Apply for more information.