Maine Land Trust Grant Program

From Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative

The Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative aims to strengthen the impact and effectiveness of conservation efforts in Southern Maine, focusing on improving the organizational and operational capacities of land trusts within the region.

Type of Support


The Land Trust Grant Fund Program by SMCC seeks to enhance the capabilities of land trusts across Maine. The program's objectives include improving governance, leadership, strategic planning, and financial stability of land trusts. It emphasizes the integration of equity and inclusion within these organizations' policies and practices. Additionally, the program aims to broaden land trust membership by engaging diverse groups such as BIPOC, low-income individuals, LGBTQIA+, and people with disabilities. It supports the development of social capital and infrastructure, encouraging collaboration and the sharing of resources among land trusts. Finally, the program ensures that conservation efforts are community-focused and that conserved lands are accessible to a wide range of communities for engagement and experiences.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 20k


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