Guttman Foundation Grant

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    Type of Support


    The Guttman Foundation Grant program, initiated in 2014, is dedicated to empowering programs aimed at serving low-income infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to ensure a smooth transition into kindergarten. With a strong focus on enhancing quality, expanding services, and fostering a continuous care environment for children aged 0-3 in neighborhoods marked by significant need, the Foundation prioritizes:

    • Expansion of evidence-based home visiting programs,
    • Initiatives targeting infant health and mental health,
    • Professional development opportunities for both center-based teachers and home-based caregivers. Acknowledging the profound impact of poverty, the Foundation also seeks to support programs in communities with high poverty levels and a significant presence of public housing. It endeavors to stitch a network of educational, health, and social services to support children from birth through to college graduation. Place-based strategies, orchestrated by leading organizations, aim to replace fragmented service offerings with a unified support system for children and their families. Within its funding scope, the Foundation includes projects that promote student success at the City University of New York, expecting to award about $2 million in annual grants.


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