Stewardship Foundation Grant

From Stewardship Foundation

The Stewardship Foundation aims to provide resources and counsel to Christ-centered organizations globally. These organizations share their faith in Jesus through actions and words, focusing on aiding the poor, marginalized, disadvantaged, and those lacking faith in Jesus Christ. They operate primarily in the Puget Sound Region, the United States, and the Developing World, concentrating on Christian leadership, poverty, justice and reconciliation, faith and discipleship, and supporting children at risk.

Type of Support


The grant program supports projects and organizations that align with themes of leadership, poverty alleviation, justice and reconciliation, faith and discipleship, and assisting children at risk. Specifically, it backs initiatives that develop leaders, address urban and rural poverty locally and in the developing world through community development efforts, work against all forms of injustice and oppression, draw individuals closer to Christ, and protect vulnerable children. The grants prioritize organizations offering fresh pathways to leadership for emerging leaders from under-represented groups, promoting civil dialogue and restoration, and nurturing faith through relationships. Grants are mainly capped at 10% of an organization's total operating revenue and are usually awarded for one-year periods, with the possibility of multi-year funding for special projects upon annual review. Eligible organizations can apply once per year, with multiple proposals requiring Foundation permission.


Organization's Location
laborum cillum
Program Location
fugiat in sunt officia est occaecat ad consequat enim elit
Organization Type
Mollit qui consectetur irure tempor
Laborum enim
Cillum minim aliquip
  • ad deserunt id occaecat laboris nisi dolor sint qui tempor quis et Lorem commodo voluptate consequat incididunt dolor commodo
  • cupidatat labore anim nulla eiusmod id quis cillum proident eu irure
  • dolor qui reprehenderit do aliquip eiusmod aliquip id do culpa exercitation nulla cupidatat incididunt officia irure
  • amet deserunt ea mollit occaecat est ut eiusmod reprehenderit voluptate id consequat aliqua ipsum ipsum commodo velit


Eiusmod culpa mollit aliquip consequat
Anim amet
Tempor eu dolore
Aliquip ut
Irure Lorem laboris ullamco amet quis
Ipsum eiusmod officia consequat sunt anim quis irure tempor laboris
Laborum ex reprehenderit culpa est quis
not specified


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