Sunderland Foundation Grant

The Foundation, led by Lester T. Sunderland's descendants, is dedicated to supporting construction projects across the Kansas City region and other areas traditionally served by the Ash Grove Cement Company. Its mission encompasses awarding grants primarily for construction and special interest projects, focusing on enhancing higher education, youth services, health facilities, community buildings, museums, civic projects, and energy-efficient affordable housing through planning, design, construction, renovation, repairs, and restoration efforts.

Type of Support


The Foundation's grant program aims to support a variety of causes through construction-related projects, emphasizing the enhancement of community infrastructure and services. It has four main funding areas:

  1. Higher Education: Support is provided to educational institutions, including community colleges, private colleges, and public universities, with $49 million awarded in 2022.
  2. Human Services: In 2022, the Foundation allocated $30 million to nonprofits aiding youth and families, exemplified by grants to organizations like Reconciliation Services and the Nebraska Youth Justice Initiative.
  3. Arts and Culture: Cultural projects, including museums and art centers, received $23 million in funding, contributing to the enrichment of arts and culture in various communities.
  4. Health Care and Hospitals: A growing focus area, with $65 million allocated in 2022 to assist hospitals and healthcare groups in expanding and improving their facilities. This initiative reflects the Foundation’s commitment to advancing health care infrastructure to meet community needs.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
proident in culpa eiusmod mollit occaecat reprehenderit culpa laborum amet
Organization Type
Fugiat amet non deserunt sit eu ut
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  • Lorem in eiusmod voluptate
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  • ea consequat in id
  • mollit ex et dolore velit
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  • dolor non cillum dolor reprehenderit
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not specified


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