To enhance the quality of life for citizens of Tennessee and to be stewards of our natural environment
The Education and Outreach grant is aimed at supporting local governments or other entities in their efforts to promote waste reduction and recycling best practices. It prioritizes projects that foster public/private or public/public partnerships, target adult audiences, and utilize suggested Recycling Partnership templates to support a Statewide Recycling Brand Campaign. The grant intention is to educate residents on recycling logistics - what, where, and when they can recycle - before considering additional funding for expanded outreach efforts. It is designed with a tiered recommendation system to ensure that fundamental outreach elements are achieved before funding expansions to programs. Furthermore, the grant seeks to encourage environmentally preferable purchasing as part of its broader objectives. A total of $100,000 is allocated for these grants, with applicants able to request up to $20,000 per project. A financial match of 10-50% is required, excluding in-kind contributions. Funding decisions will be based on the estimates provided in the application, and only materials listed in the application will be funded.
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