Organics Management Grants

From Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation

To enhance the quality of life for citizens of Tennessee and to be stewards of our natural environment

Type of Support


The Organics Management Grant aims to support efforts in reducing organic waste within the municipal solid waste stream, focusing on source reduction, wasted food recovery and food donation, and diversion or beneficial end-use. It prioritizes fostering public/private partnerships, supporting counties, municipalities, public institutions, or non-profit organizations in providing new or expanded organics management services, and pursuing reductions in wasted food and food waste through various means including education, recovery and donation, and more sustainable disposal methods like anaerobic digestion and composting. The grant program allocates a total of $300,000, with individual grants capped at $100,000, and requires a financial match of 10%-50% from recipients.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Tennessee counties
Solid waste authorities
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Eligible items or equipment should be for organics waste reduction, recovery and donation, or diversion
  • May include educational materials for organics waste reduction
  • Can include bins for collection of unconsumed fruits and vegetables in food retail spaces
  • Equipment supporting existing food recovery or donation operations is eligible
  • Includes equipment necessary for general organics processing or composting operations


Strategies aiding increased disposal in Class I facilities
up to 100k


Review Criteria

The Organics Management Grant will predominantly favor applications from entities that showcase a collaboration between the public and private sectors. Preference will also be extended to counties, municipalities, public institutions, and non-profit organizations committed to introducing or broadening organics management services for the community.

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