Texas Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Funds

From Texas Department of Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services Commission aims to enhance the health and well-being of Texans through various health and human services initiatives. Although this description doesn't specify their overall mission, the details provided highlight their commitment to improving the quality of life and care for nursing facility residents through the reinvestment of civil money penalties.

Type of Support


The Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment program accepts applications for grants to improve the quality of life and care of nursing facility residents. This initiative targets nursing facilities that have been fined for not meeting federal standards, encouraging them to utilize these funds for quality improvement projects. Eligible applicants include nursing facility providers, stakeholders, and other organizations interested in developing projects that demonstrate evidence-based practices enhancing resident care and life quality. The program specifically funds projects outside the normal operations of facilities, focusing on:

  • Support for residents in facilities facing closure or decertification.
  • Assistance with resident relocation costs.
  • Enhancement of resident and family councils for quality care assurance.
  • Facility improvement initiatives and training for staff to boost care quality.
  • Activities aimed at improving residents' quality of life, social interactions, and minimizing loneliness.
  • Support for in-person visitation aids.

This grant program emphasizes projects that directly or indirectly benefit nursing facility residents, ensuring that CMP funds are utilized for impactful quality improvement initiatives.


Organization's Location
esse cillum
Program Location
Organization Type
Non cupidatat magna
Est officia magna aliqua
Commodo pariatur voluptate laborum quis enim
Velit laboris irure adipisicing magna dolor
Duis elit
Labore do
Nisi mollit anim enim magna excepteur
Aute nostrud non exercitation labore deserunt eiusmod enim
  • et aute do cupidatat non elit velit aliquip amet commodo dolore


Laboris qui ex deserunt fugiat consectetur
Enim qui laborum aliquip
Qui labore mollit culpa sunt tempor aliquip proident
Sunt occaecat velit velit do ex
Aliqua est est exercitation veniam culpa cillum
Esse aliqua magna in dolore culpa tempor irure pariatur dolore irure
Eiusmod veniam adipisicing
Sunt pariatur nulla eu
Occaecat nostrud non ut ea duis
Aliquip aute amet nulla laboris in veniam nulla elit aliqua
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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