Since 2002, The TK Foundation has aimed at improving the maritime realm and the lives of disadvantaged youth. Through over $46 million in grants, it supports non-profit organizations and projects, enhancing opportunities for youth in education, training, and life skills towards self-sufficiency.
The grant program from The TK Foundation aims to support maritime-related projects that provide significant benefits, particularly in the realms of education and training, welfare, and heritage. Focused on maritime education and training, the Foundation seeks to increase access and improve the quality of maritime education for young people, especially those who are disadvantaged. This includes offering scholarships, training for maritime careers, and other education opportunities linked directly to employment in the maritime sector. The Foundation prioritizes projects that demonstrate a clear path to maritime employment and supports disadvantaged youth's access to such careers. Additionally, the program funds maritime activities that aid disadvantaged populations and welfare projects that enhance the well-being of seafarers. The initiative also considers support for maritime heritage projects that promote a nation’s maritime legacy and foster collaboration within the maritime nonprofit sector. There is no strict budget requirement, but optimal funding ranges are suggested based on past projects and their outcomes.
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