The UNFI Foundation Grant

    The UNFI Foundation is dedicated to inspiring better food systems and nurturing everyday health. They support increasing the supply of organic food, improving access to healthy food, and advancing childhood nutrition education.

    Type of Support


    Supports non-profits in communities whose main mission or innovative programs focus on:

    • Climate Smart Agriculture
      • Ex: technical assistance, certification support, land access and restoration, capital access, market access, and research initiatives aimed at advancing regenerative agricultural practices and transitioning more acreage to regenerative practices
    • Food Access Innovations
      • Ex: efforts in wasted food prevention that reroute food to those in need
    • Food Equity
      • Ex: efforts to support BIPOC and women-owned food entrepreneurs or efforts that support equitable food procurement
    • Local Food Economies
      • Ex: efforts that shift institutional procurement or efforts that create and support critical infrastructure such as food hubs and aggregators

    501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations with a clear and substantive fit with one or more of our focus areas are welcome to complete a nomination form and be considered to receive an invitation.


    Organization's Location
    qui occaecat
    Program Location
    pariatur excepteur
    Organization Type
    Proident nostrud deserunt

    commodo minim deserunt excepteur ipsum dolore enim cupidatat aliquip Lorem non culpa irure quis ullamco in


    Quis Lorem incididunt irure
    Nostrud aute eiusmod sit
    Qui anim tempor laboris tempor culpa
    Enim laborum
    Dolore amet duis deserunt tempor sint
    Adipisicing duis
    Ea qui tempor voluptate
    5K – 10K


    Step 1: occaecat aliquip
    Application deadline
    Mar 17, 2025
    Step 2: nulla do (elit ut)