NIDA Research Center of Excellence Grant Program (P50 Clinical Trial Optional) (345364)

From US Department of Health & Human Services: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the nation’s medical research agency — making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.

Type of Support


This grant program aims to support research centers engaging in innovative and multidisciplinary drug abuse and addiction research within the scope of NIDA's mission. Centers should transform knowledge in the sciences they study, focusing on new and creative directions rather than incremental work. They are expected to serve as national resources, offering educational and outreach activities to various communities and policy makers in the NIDA research fields. Additionally, these centers should foster the career development of new investigators and share their findings, data, and resources to advance research in drug abuse.


Organization's Location
veniam excepteur, sunt aliqua, excepteur aliquip, quis et, sit exercitation, ad commodo
Program Location
proident irure elit excepteur officia aute excepteur et voluptate veniam
Organization Type
up to 10M


Step 1: aliquip nulla ullamco
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: culpa nisi (aliquip tempor)

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