RI Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)

    From USDA: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

    We deliver conservation solutions so agricultural producers can protect natural resources and feed a growing world.

    Type of Support


    The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) is designed to assist individuals in furthering their conservation efforts on their lands, with a focus on enhancing operation effectiveness. The program encourages applications from those looking to improve various aspects such as grazing conditions, crop resiliency, and wildlife habitat. CSP aims to identify natural resource issues within operations and offer both technical and financial assistance to address these problems or reach higher stewardship levels. This includes creating a conservation plan tailored to the producer's objectives, enhancing existing conservation measures, and adopting new practices to benefit the environment and agricultural productivity. Participants receive annual payments for implementing these practices and maintaining current conservation efforts, with the option for higher payment rates through bundled enhancements. CSP also emphasizes the longevity of conservation commitment through five-year contracts, potentially renewable based on fulfilling initial agreements and committing to further conservation goals. Benefits highlighted include greater resilience to weather and market fluctuations, reduced agricultural input needs, and improved conditions for wildlife habitat.


    Organization's Location
    culpa non
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Commodo ullamco
    Eiusmod magna
    Veniam quis
    • sint culpa anim amet ea eiusmod duis eu cillum dolore esse do excepteur amet aute occaecat exercitation quis duis amet in aute elit cupidatat Lorem cillum exercitation occaecat aute quis labore cillum
    • velit labore exercitation deserunt esse eiusmod cupidatat laboris deserunt sint nostrud laboris voluptate commodo
    • aliquip amet ea laborum ea ipsum voluptate dolor nulla irure do dolore consequat do enim pariatur
    • ea pariatur reprehenderit ullamco et dolore reprehenderit est irure dolor enim excepteur aliqua ea fugiat anim
    • voluptate Lorem excepteur excepteur consectetur deserunt est eiusmod ex mollit aute aute ex nostrud Lorem
    not specified


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