Mutual Self-Help Housing Technical Assistance Grants in Ohio

    From USDA: Rural Development (RD)

    We are committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in rural America.

    Type of Support


    This grant program provides funding to qualified organizations to facilitate local self-help housing construction projects. It specifically aims to help very-low- and low-income individuals and families in rural areas build their own homes. The program encourages community involvement by having group members provide most of the labor needed to construct each other's homes, under the supervision and with the technical assistance of the overseeing organization. The grants can be used for giving technical and supervisory assistance to participating families, assisting other organizations in providing similar support, and helping families with the application process and participation in these construction projects. Eligible areas for the grant can be checked through a specific URL, indicating a focus on rural development.


    Organization's Location
    culpa aute
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Deserunt culpa aliquip
    Quis nulla
    Sint minim mollit


    Aute cillum ad culpa ea officia ut dolore sint mollit excepteur dolor id esse cupidatat dolor elit
    Do cillum irure et proident consequat eu aliqua aute pariatur irure
    Deserunt consectetur duis id esse pariatur ad aute enim laborum
    Quis amet minim exercitation ea labore mollit
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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