Rural Business Development Grants in Mississippi

    From USDA: Rural Development (RD)

    We are committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in rural America.

    Type of Support


    This grant program is dedicated to bolstering small and emerging businesses in rural areas, emphasizing those with fewer than 50 new employees and less than $1 million in gross revenue. It focuses on providing technical assistance and training, prioritizing smaller grant requests without requiring cost sharing. The use of funds is diverse, supporting activities and resources such as training, land development, pollution control, capital for revolving loan funds, and community economic development, among others. It aims to facilitate a broad spectrum of growth opportunities for rural businesses, from infrastructure and technology improvements to promoting leadership and strategic planning.


    Organization's Location
    anim mollit
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Cupidatat Lorem
    Sit minim
    Laboris laboris
    Commodo nulla minim esse
    Culpa tempor
    Sunt voluptate aute dolore duis et laboris magna nulla
    • aute anim et duis et enim in nisi laborum elit excepteur veniam ipsum eu tempor adipisicing pariatur eu ad do ea sint
    10K – 500K


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