Visionary Leadership Fund Grant

From Valentine Foundation

The Valentine Foundation envisions a society in which all women, girls, and non-binary individuals thrive. It is committed to closing gender, racial, ethnic, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and other equity gaps in non-profit leadership by funding leadership development for women and non-binary individuals, focusing on those historically under-represented in leadership roles.

Type of Support


The Visionary Leadership Fund, managed by the Valentine Foundation, supports leadership development for women executives and aspiring leaders in the Greater Philadelphia region's non-profit sector, aiming to improve the lives of women and girls. It promotes the effectiveness and development of current and future women leaders, encouraging a community among them. The grant program supports innovative, entrepreneurial vision, credibility, influence, respect towards followers, generosity, alignment with core values and ethics, effectiveness in outcomes, and long-term problem solving. A grant pool of $40,000–$45,000 supports efforts to develop visionary leadership skills among women from groups historically under-represented in leadership roles, including Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQ+, and People with Disabilities.


Organization's Location
nulla proident
Program Location
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Organization Type
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In do
  • anim nostrud non tempor sint veniam id excepteur esse irure officia nisi fugiat cillum ad cillum elit ullamco
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