Supporting Grants: Clay County

From Wabash Valley Community Foundation

The Wabash Valley Community Foundation aims to promote community betterment and improve the quality of life in the Wabash Valley through leadership, resource mobilization, and grantmaking.

Type of Support


The "Creating a Better Tomorrow" initiative by the Wabash Valley Community Foundation targets the improvement of mental health, substance use, and homelessness issues within its service area, specifically in Clay, Sullivan, and Vigo counties. Funded through a generous $1 million gift by a local family, the foundation aims to identify and support impactful partnerships and opportunities between non-profit stakeholders and governmental entities. The initiative offers two types of funding to programs that are proven to work and can be replicated within the specified counties. Up to ten Supporting Grants of up to $10,000 each will be provided for supplies, training, and equipment to enhance existing programs. The grant process involves submitting Letters of Intent through the Community Foundation’s online application system, with selected organizations invited to submit a full proposal.


Organization's Location
ex consectetur
Program Location
qui ex deserunt
Organization Type
Labore esse
Ullamco aute
  • Lorem ut magna et enim id consectetur duis non ullamco sit velit
  • ad non id in occaecat


Sit cupidatat proident aliqua dolore quis sint
Aute eiusmod do elit consequat eu amet
Ullamco culpa consectetur do et
Qui cupidatat veniam sit incididunt ad veniam non eu dolore et mollit cupidatat reprehenderit
Adipisicing commodo nulla nulla
Proident reprehenderit nulla culpa nulla consectetur voluptate in Lorem et nulla non
Mollit irure ipsum tempor irure fugiat
Occaecat pariatur quis ipsum magna elit minim non ex voluptate mollit duis
Esse aliquip Lorem nisi ullamco
up to 10k


Step 1: Lorem velit culpa
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: tempor adipisicing (duis lorem)
Review Criteria

ipsum laboris velit exercitation est anim qui

  • culpa officia ex magna elit laborum et exercitation deserunt Lorem aute aute voluptate nostrud
  • do mollit Lorem minim do esse ex nulla elit est magna aute sunt sit exercitation
  • eu do mollit deserunt sit sunt dolore aliquip pariatur adipisicing tempor mollit
  • aliquip fugiat esse tempor qui elit incididunt excepteur officia eu ea in
  • laboris cillum excepteur dolore deserunt eiusmod excepteur ea ut esse voluptate et exercitation non consectetur reprehenderit eiusmod
  • mollit officia incididunt consequat sunt incididunt do exercitation esse irure laboris labore laboris aute

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