Waco Foundation Capacity Building Mini-Grants

From Waco Foundation

Waco Foundation is committed to strengthening the organizations and groups that carry out innovative ideas and major services in the community by investing in capacity building. This initiative is rooted in the belief that organizations more thoroughly prepared in planning their work are better equipped to enhance the community's quality of life. The Foundation acknowledges varying levels of readiness and preparation among those entering nonprofit work and aims to support the development of nonprofit staff and boards in McLennan County.

Type of Support


The Capacity Building Program by Waco Foundation is designed to support the staff and boards of McLennan County nonprofits through access to planning, quality trainings, and other resources aimed at strengthening their capabilities to fulfill their mission work. It focuses on enhancing the sector’s ability to achieve excellent board governance, sound management, engage in cross-sector collaboration, implement best practices, and foster leadership development. Specifically, the program offers mini-grants up to $2,500 for nonprofits needing expertise in areas such as organizational assessments, board governance, and strategic planning, among others. These grants can cover up to 90% of total costs for services typically offered by external consultants, including but not limited to, advancing collaborative efforts, completing audits, fiduciary oversight, fund development planning, addressing HR and IT/software needs, mergers, promotions, and professional development. Organizations are encouraged to secure at least two bids for consulting services but can receive guidance from the Foundation in identifying potential consultants. Funding is available up to $5,000 over three years, with conditions applied to encourage impactful organization development and strengthen the nonprofit community’s overall effect.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
exercitation qui duis
Organization Type
Aliquip occaecat veniam aute reprehenderit magna
  • ipsum sunt sit Lorem minim
  • mollit adipisicing aute proident ullamco dolor


Incididunt nostrud consectetur laborum laboris mollit anim
Laborum proident culpa ea et dolore Lorem non nostrud excepteur pariatur aute ullamco do mollit nulla enim deserunt nisi
up to 5k


Review Criteria

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