Washington Square Health Foundation Grants: Medical Research Category

The Washington Square Health Foundation, Inc. grants funds in order to promote and maintain access to adequate healthcare for all people in the Chicagoland area regardless of race, sex, creed or financial need. The Foundation meets this goal through its grants for medical and nursing education, medical research and direct healthcare services.

Type of Support


The Washington Square Health Foundation Grants program focuses on supporting health-related projects that offer significant benefits to the community, particularly those involving high-risk, underserved, or disadvantaged groups. The grant emphasizes increasing access to healthcare, expanding healthcare services, and improving community health outcomes through partnership and community involvement. Key elements include assessing healthcare needs, increasing healthcare service accessibility, developing new services with community involvement, and building decision-making and operational links within the community. The program values collaboration with a variety of partners and stakeholders, employing a comprehensive approach to health service delivery that incorporates continuous improvement and financial sustainability of health programs.


Organization's Location
Program Location
IL (Cook County)
Organization Type
Not for profit tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization or association
Organizations exempt from income tax under sec. 501(c)(3) and designated as a public charity under section 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2)
  • The project must have the support of appropriate organizations and/or governmental units in the community where the project is to be carried out
  • Must be applicable to Medical Research
  • The project should ensure continued support after involvement by the Washington Square Health Foundation is discontinued
  • Involves active participation by the sponsor, which must be a not for profit tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization, institution, or association
  • Must demonstrably benefit others beyond the individual organization recipient of the grant
  • Must have an up-to-date annual community health care report for the Principles for Community Health Care submitted with the grant application
  • The annual community health care report must be posted on the organization’s website for public viewing, and the link must be submitted to the Washington Square Health Foundation to be posted on their website in their Annual Report


Section 509(a)(3) "supporting organizations"
Projects that involve liability to Washington Square Health Foundation except to provide the grant benefit
A Washington Square Health Foundation Director
An employee of Washington Square Health Foundation
A spouse, a lineal descendant (child or grandchild by blood or any legally adopted child), a spouse of a lineal descendant, or an ancestor (parent or grandparent by blood) of any living Washington Square Health Foundation Director or employee
Projects that duplicate an existing Foundation grant
Projects involving the purchase of land or the payment of general administration costs for the sponsoring organization
Projects that establish a permanent foundation or trust or a permanent interest-bearing account, or support for the general operating costs of any organization
Projects involving carrying on propaganda or attempting to influence legislation
Projects that restrict services, facilities, or employment based on race, creed, color, sex, or national origin
Construction or capital fundraising campaigns
Use of funds for operating and/or administrative expenses including fringe benefits, office furniture, and computer equipment
Clinical and biomedical research on HIV/AIDS
Prevention programs for HIV/AIDS
Health services research/policy on HIV/AIDS within managed care
Medication coverage for HIV/AIDS patients.
not specified


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