WCCF Grants

From Wayne County Community Foundation (PA)

The Wayne County Community Foundation is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to building a charitable reserve for the current and future needs of Wayne County. The foundation aims to empower community organizations to thrive, grow, and become self-sustaining through grant support.

Type of Support


The Wayne County Community Foundation awards quarterly grants to nonprofit agencies in Wayne County, Pennsylvania. These grants aim to sustain and advance access to a wide array of causes, including the arts, literacy, culture, community development, education, the environment, and health and human services. The foundation supports both programs and projects. Programs are efforts intended to improve community well-being, understanding of important topics, or address a community need by providing access to beneficial services. Projects aim to advance an agency's effectiveness or operational growth through resources for new or existing programs, facilities, and services. The foundation encourages applications for seed money, transitional funds, collaborative efforts, resources to enhance agency operations, and proposals essential for program success.


Organization's Location
Program Location
PA (Wayne County)
Organization Type
Nonprofit charitable organizations exempt from federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
Nonprofit agencies
Nonprofit organizations registered with the Pa. Bureau of Charitable Organizations
  • Serve the people of Wayne County


Organizations applying for multiple projects in the same year
Advertising, public relations, or media expenses
Individual conferences and trips
Agencies with taxing authority
Public, private, or charter schools
Umbrella agencies for re-granting
Sectarian religious agencies with closed denomination events
Deficit financing
Routine operating expenses
Political lobbying or campaigns
Organizations outside Wayne County
not specified


Review Criteria

When reviewing grant applications, the Grant Committee and Board may prioritize proposals based on certain criteria, including:

  • Initiatives that address the most critical needs of the community and benefit the broadest number of people
  • Organizations that have not been awarded a grant in the recent past, usually not within the last year
  • Applicants that present a well-crafted proposal detailing a particular need

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