Covey Foundation: Literacy Program Grants

The Lois Lenski Covey Foundation aims to advance literacy and foster a love of reading among underserved and at-risk children and youth. Established by Lois Lenski, a celebrated author and illustrator and 1946 Newbery medalist for "Strawberry Girl", the Foundation has supported over 400 organizations in their efforts to enhance reading skills, provide access to books, and instill a passion for reading in children and youth.

Type of Support


The Lois Lenski Covey Foundation's Literacy Program Grants target innovative and effective literacy programs serving children from disadvantaged populations, specifically in the greater Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia and surrounding areas, and the Sacramento and San Francisco Bay areas. The grants support programs that engage in activities advancing literacy and fostering a lifelong love of reading among children. Preferred programs may introduce books to pre-school children, increase school-age children's reading skills, and may occur in various environments such as classrooms, after-school settings, community centers, and libraries. The Foundation values programs that exhibit innovative approaches, involve regular interaction with youth by skilled personnel, and incorporate two-generation strategies to literacy, involving parents or caregivers in the literacy development process. Financially, grants range from $2,000 to $10,000, supporting general program operations or specific purposes that are less likely to be funded by other sources. The Foundation is open to partnership with grantees, including the consideration of renewal applications.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Laboris labore
Duis elit cupidatat sint
Do non sunt deserunt
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Dolor laboris ad exercitation dolore commodo
2k – 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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