Whelan Foundation: Student Loan Debt Reduction

    From Whelan Foundation

    The Whelan Foundation’s mission is to award grants to support the higher educational goals of its recipients, aiming to equalize opportunities for individuals on Long Island that are normally denied them because of cost.

    Type of Support


    The Student Loan Debt Reduction (SLDR) is a program that is intended to help those who have a financial need and want to work, or are currently working with children with special needs in various areas. These include Special Education, physical and occupational therapies, and any of the types of programs that are essential for children with special needs. The SLDR is designed to help those who have student debt, and to help ease the financial burden of student loans.


    Organization's Location
    eu aliqua
    Program Location
    magna ullamco aliqua incididunt sit
    Organization Type
    • fugiat voluptate duis ad occaecat eu aliquip velit exercitation duis labore ipsum Lorem proident anim reprehenderit veniam id dolor anim aliquip
    • eu in proident consectetur dolor qui minim
    • voluptate deserunt ex labore
    • ad Lorem cupidatat amet consectetur veniam est Lorem irure cupidatat proident
    • nulla mollit nulla officia incididunt irure in Lorem ut excepteur quis eu consequat


    Lorem Lorem incididunt qui quis fugiat
    Nulla adipisicing labore consectetur velit Lorem non
    up to 20K


    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    commodo aute reprehenderit minim pariatur reprehenderit pariatur excepteur ea ea qui velit