White Family Foundation Grants

From White Family Foundation

The mission of The White Family Foundation, guided by the John Hazen White Jr. family and their family business – Taco Comfort Solutions Inc., is to empower individuals through partnerships with local non-profit organizations. They focus on utilizing all forms of Art or Artistic elements to support programs that serve a diverse population, enabling growth of individuals and building stronger communities.

Type of Support


The White Family Foundation grant program is designed to work with organizations that use the arts in all forms to empower communities, develop cultural awareness, provide economic benefits, educate youth, develop leadership skills, and improve individual well-being. They seek to make a foundation for growth in the individuals and communities they serve, primarily focusing their support in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. Organizations interested in applying must submit a Letter of Inquiry detailing the need or problem, the proposed solution, and their qualifications to implement this solution.


Organization's Location
ullamco nisi
Program Location
incididunt officia est fugiat excepteur adipisicing ipsum pariatur
Organization Type
Ex ut anim nostrud in ad reprehenderit


Ullamco esse et deserunt ullamco
Anim enim aute excepteur
Officia Lorem Lorem est
Labore elit cillum aute
not specified


Step 1: ipsum qui anim
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: tempor exercitation (laboris labore)

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