Wilburforce Foundation Conservation Grants

Wilburforce Foundation helps conserve important lands, waters, and wildlife in Western North America by supporting organizations and leaders advancing strategic solutions. The foundation focuses on habitat security, focal species, and wildlife linkages across several priority regions, leveraging conservation science to protect these critical areas.

Type of Support


The grant program supports a variety of conservation efforts aimed at protecting wildlife and their habitats in Western North America, including:

  • Increasing the protected critical wildlife habitat.
  • Ensuring the connectivity of lands between core habitat areas.
  • Mitigating immediate threats to critical wildlife habitats.
  • Enhancing management programs for ecological integrity in protected or proposed areas.
  • Boosting knowledge and management of wildlife populations and viability of focal species.
  • Strengthening the capacity of grantees working in priority areas. Funding focuses on specific priority regions identified through scientific research, including Alaska/British Columbia, the Northwest/Southwest, and the Yellowstone to Yukon corridor. The program offers support in several key areas: Conservation Science, Conservation Law & Policy, and Capacity Building, aiming to adopt scientific methods, defend environmental laws, advance conservation policies, and develop organizational competencies for sustainability and effectiveness.


Organization's Location
Canada, USA
Program Location
Canada, AZ, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY, AK (Denali Borough, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Haines Borough, Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, Juneau City and Borough, Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Nome Census Area, North Slope Borough, Northwest Arctic Borough, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area, Sitka City and Borough, Skagway Municipality, Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, Wrangell City and Borough, Yakutat City and Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area)
Organization Type
Organizations classified as 501(c)(3) by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service
Organizations classified as 149(1)(f) by the Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency
Organizations without these legal designations considered on a limited basis
  • Work on conserving important lands, waters, and wildlife in Western North America and Canada
  • Must be incorporated in the U.S. or Canada
  • Must have programs currently operating in funding areas
  • Multiple-year grants only funded by invitation


The foundation generally will not consider funding for: projects related to agricultural issues
Air quality or other clean air programs
Energy-related programs
Environmental education
Environmental justice programs
Land acquisition and/or stewardship
Marine or other water-only programs
Pollution prevention or other pollution-related projects
Salmon recovery programs
Sustainable development or other economically-based programs
Sprawl or growth management programs
Transportation-related programs
Wildlife rehabilitation programs
Youth education programs
Deficit financing
Endowment funds
Individual scholarships or fellowships
Grants to cities, counties, or other governmental agencies
Indirect costs
not specified


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