WGPF: Legends & Lore Marker Grant Program

    The William G. Pomeroy Foundation is committed to assisting communities in celebrating their history. The Foundation emphasizes the significance of historic markers in promoting local historic preservation, educating the public, and fostering historic tourism, which ultimately supports local economies.

    Type of Support


    This grant program supports the broad goal of celebrating and preserving folklore within communities by providing markers for sites associated with local folklore and legends. It specifically encourages the commemoration of myths, legends, tall tales, folktales, place-name anecdotes, folksongs and ballads, superstitions, festivals, holidays, parades, rituals, and certain cultural expressions like dances, music, architecture, foodways, arts, and crafts that represent a community's unique identity. Applications that focus on historical events without a folkloric aspect, purely literary creations, or personal/family folklore that does not reach the greater community are less likely to be successful.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.