WDNR: Petroleum Funding

From Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

to protect and enhance our natural resources; to provide a healthy, sustainable environment; to ensure the right of all people; to work with people; and in this partnership consider the future and generations to follow.

Type of Support


The "Ready for Reuse" program by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources offers grants and loans to local governments and non-profits for the cleanup of environmental contamination at brownfield sites. Funded through U.S. EPA Revolving Loan Fund grants, this program supports the removal of contamination from petroleum or petroleum products mixed with hazardous substances, enabling the revitalization and safe reuse of these sites.


Organization's Location
id laborum
Program Location
Organization Type
Eu et occaecat duis consequat pariatur nostrud pariatur laboris exercitation
Proident ut cillum elit dolor sunt consequat
Consectetur est do in exercitation dolore consequat est
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  • nulla et exercitation sunt do laboris ea dolore do nisi non qui
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  • proident esse irure elit proident et veniam culpa et anim enim Lorem aliqua consectetur irure proident reprehenderit excepteur commodo velit et ex
  • nisi deserunt veniam eu dolore ea dolore nostrud Lorem ipsum nostrud excepteur excepteur nulla dolore ex amet ut sint
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