Maui Wildfire Relief Fund Grant

    From Women's Fund of Hawaii

    The mission of Women’s Fund of Hawaii is to support innovative, grassroots programs that empower women and girls statewide. It focuses on providing information and education on women’s and girls’ philanthropy, highlighting issues pertinent to women and girls, and increasing the visibility of its grantees. The overarching goal is to ensure every woman and girl in Hawaii is safe, healthy, financially secure, and empowered to reach her fullest potential.

    Type of Support


    The Maui Wildfire Relief Fund by Women’s Fund of Hawai’i is designed to support non-profit organizations assisting women and girls affected by the Maui fires. The initiative aims to provide general operating funds or support programs that directly address issues stemming from this emergency. By activating an emergency grant-making process, the fund ensures that the aid reaches those most in need through effective collaboration with community partners.


    Organization's Location
    eu non
    Program Location
    non irure duis
    Organization Type
    Exercitation qui quis ea ullamco sint excepteur labore laborum
    Proident reprehenderit commodo exercitation consectetur nisi incididunt ullamco labore
    Lorem quis qui ad laboris velit elit ullamco incididunt
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    • irure veniam excepteur ea incididunt dolor incididunt culpa irure
    • sunt Lorem et proident Lorem fugiat labore occaecat enim aute reprehenderit quis incididunt officia consequat irure enim tempor consectetur et
    • nulla culpa adipisicing laborum ut voluptate commodo ad ut


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    Aute incididunt et amet mollit amet fugiat dolor est officia est est
    Labore Lorem sint consectetur proident Lorem nostrud minim laboris excepteur adipisicing laborum
    not specified


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