Century Fund

From Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona

The Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona aims to create an environment where women and girls of all identities thrive. The foundation focuses on addressing injustices created by systemic barriers, promoting economic independence, and supporting decision-making autonomy in health, family, and future planning.

Type of Support


The Century Fund grants are designed to offer immediate support to nonprofit organizations and individuals in Arizona facing economic uncertainty due to once-in-a-lifetime events, such as significant national policy changes. Specifically targeting those impacted by systemic inequities, the fund seeks to assist in areas like family planning and support services, in light of challenges such as the loss of bodily autonomy following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Nonprofits may apply for up to $15,000, while individuals can request $1,500 in support, with the grants aimed at empowering recipients towards economic independence or self-sufficiency by allowing them autonomy in how the funds best support their unique needs.


Organization's Location
laboris cupidatat
Program Location
Organization Type
Ea laborum sunt fugiat ea
  • sunt consectetur qui ex id
  • proident ullamco aliqua et exercitation magna
1.5k – 15k


Visit Apply for more information.