WHOI Postdoctoral Scholar Program

From Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Sea Grant’s mission is to enhance the practical use and conservation of coastal and marine resources by developing and sharing science-based knowledge to create a sustainable economy and environment for the diverse communities of Massachusetts.

Type of Support


The WHOI Postdoctoral Scholar Program aims to extend the education and training of recent doctorates by providing opportunities to conduct independent research in oceanography, chemistry, engineering, geology, geophysics, mathematics, meteorology, physics, biology, economics, marine policy, and other fields relevant to WHOI's core mission. This eighteen-month scholarship allows recipients to work in association with one or more members of WHOI's Resident Scientific or Senior Technical Staff. The program emphasizes the importance of communication with potential WHOI advisors before application submission, and it considers sponsor support in the award selection process. Furthermore, it provides a robust mentoring system, opportunities for career development, and aims to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field. Awards include an annual stipend, relocation and health benefits, and limited support for travel expenses, equipment, supplies, and special services. The program encourages applications from women, minorities, veterans, those with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups in the ocean science and engineering sectors.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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