Aaron Straus and Lillie Straus Foundation Grant

From Aaron Straus and Lillie Straus Foundation

The Straus Foundation, with its deep-rooted Jewish heritage, is dedicated to supporting varied program areas informed by Jewish values such as social justice. Their mission encompasses providing both support and opportunities to Jewish families, advocating for immigrants and ensuring their well-being in Baltimore, enhancing access to quality health and mental health services aimed at community well-being while addressing structural challenges, and fostering social innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship to enrich Baltimore's community.

Type of Support


The foundation's grantmaking focuses on four prioritized areas: supporting the Jewish community, advocating for immigration services and policy, enhancing access to health and mental health services, and encouraging social innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship. These grants aim to uphold Jewish values, promote social justice, improve the lives of immigrants in Baltimore, facilitate access to essential health services, and nurture a vibrant ecosystem for entrepreneurs and community leaders. In addition to these standard grants, the Foundation explores alternative grantmaking avenues such as foundation-driven initiatives, funding collaboratives, loans for specific projects, and program-related investments to further its mission and impact.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Aute non
not specified


Review Criteria

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