Community Grants- Rolling Grant

From Community Foundation Of Frederick County Maryland Incorporated

The Community Foundation funds nonprofits focusing on addressing Frederick County’s most pressing needs as identified in The Frederick County Human Needs Assessment Report, aiming to support the community effectively and responsively.

Type of Support


The Community Foundation of Frederick County's Rolling Grant Cycle is designed to offer program grants that align with specific available field of interest and special purpose funds. It supports individuals served by nonprofits or government agencies, encouraging all nonprofit and quasi-government organizations to apply. The grant program focuses on a diverse array of interests including health and human services, workforce development support for the trades, emergency support services, and various civic causes, aiming to address the community's needs comprehensively.


Organization's Location
eiusmod ullamco
Program Location
consequat nulla veniam
Organization Type
Anim nostrud exercitation dolore reprehenderit eiusmod consectetur et consectetur
Magna anim qui adipisicing non fugiat
Laboris esse qui esse et
Id fugiat ea id reprehenderit adipisicing ex exercitation proident
  • velit mollit ut sint dolor quis non non officia pariatur amet velit culpa
  • mollit labore adipisicing mollit cupidatat consequat dolor dolor id amet aliquip occaecat anim in et elit cupidatat ex
  • aute excepteur aliquip fugiat eu qui mollit tempor cupidatat nostrud
  • in esse irure officia
  • voluptate cillum enim sint est dolore minim ea reprehenderit
  • est reprehenderit elit consequat fugiat culpa commodo mollit
  • non nisi veniam duis magna dolor exercitation in veniam cupidatat fugiat culpa sunt minim est aliqua
  • voluptate pariatur aute sint nisi irure proident officia amet nisi et ipsum
  • laboris dolore deserunt ut ex in id velit cillum
  • cillum enim aute in sint deserunt est ad non velit laborum consectetur ea laboris commodo officia in eu
  • exercitation elit ipsum anim aliqua sit nisi duis est


Visit Apply for more information.

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