The Abell Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in Baltimore through support to nonprofit community partners. It provides seed funding for innovation, ongoing support for community services, and capital project funding, leveraging its deep knowledge and networks in Baltimore to aid in these endeavors.
The grant program emphasizes comprehensive support across seven key areas: Education, Workforce Development, Health and Human Services, Community Development, Criminal Justice and Addiction, Environment, and the Arts. It seeks to fund a range of projects from demonstration projects and capital improvements to program development and research, with a focus on initiatives that promote quality education, job skills training, community health, neighborhood livability, substance abuse treatment, environmental preservation, and arts engagement. Priority is given to efforts that address the needs of educationally vulnerable youth, economically disadvantaged job seekers, and underserved communities, aiming to enhance public safety, environmental health, and cultural vibrancy in Baltimore. The Abell Foundation awards three types of grants: seed funding, ongoing project support, and capital grants, with applications considered on a rolling basis.
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