AHA Mini Grant

From Alabama Humanities Alliance

AHA’s mission is to foster learning, understanding, and appreciation of our people, communities, and cultures. As the state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), AHA is the primary source of grants for public humanities programming in Alabama, initiating major programs and collaborating with other organizations to advance both academic and public humanities.

Type of Support


AHA awards grants to nonprofit community organizations to support a wide range of public humanities projects. Projects can include lectures, workshops, exhibitions, festivals, digital media, and documentary films. Successful proposals should ensure active public participation, incorporate strong humanities content, and involve direct engagement with humanities scholars. Mini Grants offer a streamlined application process for various projects, requiring a 1:1 cost share and stipulating that events take place at least 45 days after the submission deadline.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
up to 2.5k


Visit Apply for more information.