The Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation aims to support institutions mainly in Vermont to tackle issues affecting the 'middle-income' elderly, address learning and hearing impairments or reading disabilities, foster community preservation, and support programs advocating for fundamental values such as self-reliance, respect for tradition, work value, the importance of family, and the unique goodness of individuals alongside the benefits of religious or uplifting beliefs.
The grant program guided by the Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation seeks to support a wide range of causes that align with its mission. These causes include aiding the elderly who are often overlooked by other programs, enhancing educational opportunities for those with hearing, learning, or reading difficulties, preserving community integrity and heritage, and promoting agencies or programs dedicated to instilling core values such as self-reliance, respect for traditions, the significance of labor, family importance, individual uniqueness and goodness, and the enrichment that comes from religious or analogous uplifting beliefs.
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