Bayer-Snoeyenbos New Investigator Award

    From American Association of Avian Pathologists

    The American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP) aims to advance scientific knowledge to improve poultry health, well-being, and productivity, thereby ensuring a safe and abundant global food supply. Since its inception in 1957, AAAP has served as a platform for those involved in avian disease research and management, facilitating knowledge exchange through conferences, publications, and educational materials, while also supporting the next generation of poultry medicine specialists through scholarships and awards.

    Type of Support


    The Bayer-Snoeyenbos New Investigator Award is designed to support and recognize upcoming investigators in the field of poultry medicine who have begun their careers as independent investigators within the last seven years and have made significant research contributions to avian medicine during this period. The award honors the memory of Dr. Glenn Snoeyenbos for his contributions to avian medicine and the American Association of Avian Pathologists. It also recognizes the significant financial support provided by Bayer's Poultry Business Unit. The award includes a monetary grant of $1,000 to aid in the recipient's research and professional development efforts.


    Organization's Location
    proident voluptate
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • laboris cupidatat cupidatat quis velit
    • pariatur laborum adipisicing dolore irure qui
    • nulla ad reprehenderit excepteur commodo sint
    • cupidatat officia culpa labore veniam cillum deserunt dolore excepteur officia nisi dolor
    • eu velit dolore proident quis nostrud laborum duis do minim
    • laborum do minim laboris voluptate Lorem ea non commodo pariatur tempor laboris sit
    • occaecat sunt elit qui velit magna tempor labore amet


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