American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Research Fund Grant

From American Association of Law Libraries (AALL)

The mission of the funder, established by LexisNexis, is to provide a secure financial base that supports research in areas critical to the provision of legal information services, the profession of law librarianship, law library collections, legal research, and law library administration.

Type of Support


The AALL Research Fund, endowed by LexisNexis, aims to support projects of significant value to professionals involved in creating, disseminating, or using legal and law-related information. The program seeks to encourage a wide range of scholarship across various topics relevant to legal information services, law librarianship, and law library management. Funded research may cover any area described in the Association’s Research Agenda, focusing on advancing the field and contributing to the profession’s body of knowledge. Grants are awarded twice a year, with the total available funding for each round capped at $5,000. Projects are selected based on their merit as determined by the AALL LexisNexis Research Grant Jury.


Organization's Location
proident sunt
Program Location
Organization Type
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Review Criteria

aliqua deserunt minim ad irure pariatur minim sunt ipsum aliquip amet aute officia aliqua esse non deserunt dolor labore