American Fidelity Foundation Grant

The American Fidelity Foundation aims to support the communities where their colleagues live by aligning their charitable efforts with the civic engagement of American Fidelity companies and their employees. Established on the legacy of founders C.W. and C.B. Cameron, it leverages the strength of the company to provide financial grants, focusing on improving the quality of life in Oklahoma City and beyond. The Foundation prioritizes the importance of a strong community to the success of a company.

Type of Support


The grant program of the American Fidelity Foundation is designed to support organizations and initiatives that directly enhance the well-being and development of communities, particularly in the areas of education, health and welfare, arts and culture, and civic and economic development. It places a particular emphasis on projects that involve active support from the foundation's colleagues, are able to measure success through specific objectives, encourage collaboration among non-profits, offer innovative models for wider adoption, and are managed by organizations with a history of impactful results and efficient use of resources. Grant amounts range from $500 to $5,000, determined by the project's scope, application strength, and fund availability.


Organization's Location
labore eiusmod
Program Location
tempor excepteur fugiat
Organization Type
Excepteur duis minim fugiat amet duis


Ex anim eiusmod veniam aute labore labore laborum proident duis
Ex id consectetur consectetur
Magna non consectetur fugiat magna duis excepteur elit Lorem cupidatat ex
Deserunt labore
Laboris sit labore consectetur id
In irure
Commodo anim sit pariatur
Magna irure Lorem
Enim pariatur ad aute
500 – 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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