The McCrory Foundation Grant

From J. Lyndall, Robert Fulton and Montie Ray McCrory Foundation

The McCrory Foundation was established in memory of J. Lyndall McCrory's parents, rooted in the family's heritage of owning a large cattle ranch and mineral interests in Carter County, Oklahoma. Its mission focuses on supporting humanitarian projects within Carter County, Oklahoma, reflecting the family's legacy and commitment to the community.

Type of Support


The McCrory Foundation Grant program is aimed at providing support through gifts and grants to institutions that are recognized as 501(c)(3) entities and are not considered private foundations as per section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. The grant focuses on supporting religious, charitable, scientific, and educational institutions, encapsulating a broad spectrum of potential projects and causes within these domains. This endeavor underlines the foundation's commitment to enhancing the welfare and educational landscape through philanthropic efforts.


Organization's Location
Program Location
OK (Carter County)
Organization Type
Organizations qualified under section 501(c)(3)
Organizations not considered private foundations within the meaning of section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Service Code
  • Located in Carter County, Oklahoma
  • Organizations may apply once per calendar year or a 12-month period
  • Organizations with a current grant may not re-apply until final payment has been received


Needs normally outside the range of support by the Foundation
Direct mail solicitations and annual campaigns
Out-of-state institutions
Political organizations
Grants to individuals
Responsibility for permanent financing of a program
Programs whose ultimate intent is to be profit-making
Grants which trigger expenditure responsibility by McCrory Foundation.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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