AHC Documentary Film Preproduction and Production Mini-Grants

From Arkansas Humanities Council

The mission of the Arkansas Humanities Council is to promote understanding, appreciation, and use of the humanities in Arkansas. The council emphasizes the importance of humanities in reflecting diverse heritage, traditions, and history, alongside the relevance of humanities in current national conditions.

Type of Support


The Arkansas Humanities Council offers a Documentary Film Preproduction and Production Mini-Grant aimed at projects specific to Arkansas. It supports documentaries on subjects such as historical figures or events, culture, archaeology, community histories, activities, music, and related topics within Arkansas. Preproduction grants require details like a schedule, filmographer expertise and filmography, a research concept, and potential interviewees. Production grants need a schedule, filmographer details, script copy, editing suite plan, distribution strategy, and signed consent from interviewees. This grant focuses on promulgating the diverse heritage, traditions, and history of Arkansas, enhancing the relevance of humanities to national life and conditions.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Nonprofit groups and organizations
  • Located in Arkansas
  • Projects must be in the humanities
  • Projects can be public programs, lecture series, exhibits, publications, podcasts, film documentaries, historical signage or markers, and historical research
  • Publications must be peer-reviewed and published traditionally with editing, publishing, and distribution services


Applicants without an approved Application for Qualification on file
Programs advocating social, religious, or political viewpoints
Projects aimed at promoting specific organizations or programs
Fundraising efforts
Construction, preservation, renovation projects for buildings, bridges, roads
International travel, attending professional meetings
Creative or performing arts without central humanities scholar interpretation
Entertainment, receptions at events
Scholarly conferences lacking public outreach
College and university courses, including undergraduate, master's, or doctoral programs
STEM projects
Providing gifts, t-shirts, cash prizes, awards
Meals for staff, guests, presenters, schools, the public
Ingredients for food demos
Rent for spaces owned/operated by applicant
Salaries, honoraria, fringe benefits for federal/state agency staff
Grants to individuals
Grant writer fees, salaries
Fiscal agent fees, salaries
Restoration, conservation work
Fellowships, scholarships
Foreign, non-economy, extensive domestic travel
For-profit activities, events
up to 5k


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadlines
Nov 30
Apr 30, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)