Randomized Controlled Trials of Criminal Justice Programs and Practices

From Arnold Ventures

Arnold Ventures (AV) is a nonpartisan philanthropy whose mission is to invest in evidence-based solutions that maximize opportunity and minimize injustice. Their focus is on fostering societal improvements by supporting the development and application of research-backed strategies.

Type of Support


The Request for Proposals from Arnold Ventures aims to fund randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of criminal justice programs and practices in the U.S. that demonstrate potential for significant impact on criminal justice outcomes, such as violence prevention, recidivism reduction, and the betterment of health/employment for those formerly involved in the justice system. It targets interventions with varying levels of prior evidence, from promising but not rigorously tested, to those widely adopted without rigorous evaluation, or emerging interventions likely to gain wider use. While prioritizing RCTs, it remains open to rigorous quasi-experimental designs where RCTs are not feasible. The grant encourages applications across all criminal justice areas, with special interest in policing, pretrial justice, community supervision, prisons, and reintegration. It underscores a commitment to identifying effective interventions to enhance criminal justice policies and practices for societal benefit.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Nonprofit organizations
Governmental units
  • Focused on criminal justice, education, health, public finance, research, and evidence-based policy
  • Must specify the proposed recipient of the grant
  • Seeking systemic solutions to maximize opportunity and minimize injustice


- Individuals
Those submitting unsolicited grant proposals
Entities not using funds for charitable, educational, and/or scientific purposes in line with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
Entities intending to use funds for propaganda
Entities aiming to influence legislation
Entities planning to fund political campaigns
Entities aiming to influence the outcome of elections
Entities planning to carry on voter registration drives
Entities violating any applicable local, state, federal, or foreign law.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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