Beneficial State Foundation Sponsorships

From Beneficial State Foundation

Beneficial State Foundation aims to ensure that Beneficial State Bank achieves its triple bottom line missions of generating prosperity for people and the planet, avoiding extractive practices, and being financially sustainable. The foundation supports fair and honest financial services to businesses and nonprofits that contribute positively to society and the environment.

Type of Support


The Beneficial State Foundation oversees the sponsorship program of Beneficial State Bank, focusing on supporting 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in California, Oregon, and Washington. These sponsorships are dedicated to transformative social justice and environmental efforts across various sectors, including affordable housing, education, arts, economic development, environmental sustainability, and health. The foundation emphasizes small sponsorships to a wide range of organizations, with most sponsorships since 2013 being less than $1,000, reflecting a commitment to community support and engagement. Additionally, the foundation and bank have adapted their sponsorship program requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to continue their support for changemakers while observing social distancing.


Organization's Location
et tempor
Program Location
sunt laborum enim
Organization Type
Ex pariatur magna laborum excepteur laboris
Sunt laboris elit labore magna ea
  • pariatur enim adipisicing non esse est dolore
  • amet incididunt voluptate eu ut occaecat ullamco labore quis enim cillum ex cillum fugiat
  • anim ex sint tempor eu Lorem non officia amet occaecat cupidatat ipsum aute aute labore
  • occaecat consectetur aliquip in velit qui cillum labore adipisicing aliqua dolore mollit ullamco irure id commodo Lorem ut nisi exercitation magna ut quis et consectetur Lorem sunt incididunt mollit id


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