Building Industries Exchange of Reading and Berks County Fund Grant

From Berks County Community Foundation

The Berks County Community Foundation strives to enhance the quality of life for residents of Berks County, Pennsylvania, by fostering community improvement projects, supporting local non-profits, and encouraging philanthropy.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to support Berks County residents in pursuing post-secondary education for careers in the building trades and/or construction design technology. This encompasses a wide range of professions such as architecture, engineering, and various apprenticeships including HVAC, carpentry, plumbing, or electrical work. The focus is on providing financial assistance for expenses including tuition, books, application fees, tools, equipment, or requisite clothing. Recipients can receive up to $1,000 annually and have the opportunity to reapply for additional support in subsequent years.


Organization's Location
amet elit
Program Location
incididunt qui dolore
Organization Type
Ea proident
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  • fugiat duis veniam nisi exercitation nulla aliqua minim
  • voluptate ad elit commodo sunt voluptate enim minim nisi occaecat laboris exercitation
not specified


Contact info
Jane Doe
Review Criteria

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